Nestled amongst the trees in Sherwood Forest, this classic mid-century detached single-family home offers a reprieve from busy city life. The main level features an expansive living room and dining room, perfect for entertaining guest. With beautiful stainless-steel appliances and warm wood cabinetry, the kitchen is just the place for new cooks and experienced chefs alike. Hardwood floors throughout give this home an extra touch of elegance. Also included on the main level is the en-suite Primary bedroom, as well as two bedrooms and bathrooms. The lower level encompasses an en-suite bedroom and a family room, as well as a two-car garage and a wine cellar. With a total of four bedrooms and four bathrooms, at 2,642 sq. ft., this home has plenty of storage space, ideal for a growing family. The pice de rsistance of this home would have to be the stunning views of Mount Davidson and The Golden Gate Bridge as seen from the wooden outdoor deck.